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Early Childhood Single Subjects

Visual Art

Academics - Early Childhood - Single Subjects - Art

Early Childhood students are exposed to a broad range of experiences within the visual arts. Through the exploration of methods and materials, students work individually and collaboratively to create, design and imagine. Visual Arts learning experiences are grounded in the Units of Inquiry to develop and extend each student’s skills, understanding of concepts and self-expression. Student creations are celebrated and shared throughout the school.


The Early Childhood music program supports the development of the whole person by emphasizing technical skills and self-expression. Through activities including the Eurhythmics and Orff methods, music lessons encourage active listening and the use of a child’s very first musical instruments; voice and body movement. Students freely express themselves by using stories or songs, through original vocal and movement ideas as they experiment with a variety of western and world music.

Academics - Early Childhood - Single Subjects - Music

Physical Education

Academics - Early Childhood - Single Subjects - PE

In Early Childhood Physical Education classes, the individual potential is nurtured as we introduce body control and spatial awareness, the body’s capacity for movement and how to move around and in between objects. We develop eye, hand, and foot coordination using balls, bats, racquets, ropes, and other equipment. Whenever possible and appropriate, Physical Education lessons are linked to the Units of Inquiry. We aim to create an interest in and enjoyment of physical activity whilst developing personal skills and a lifelong healthy lifestyle.

Personal, Social, and Health Education

Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) focuses on the development of knowledge, attitudes, and skills related to personal and social well-being in order to make healthy lifestyle choices.
In Early Childhood, the school counsellor guides the PSHE curriculum by acting as a resource for teachers and families as the young learners adjust to their first approach to school life. The interventions include workshops for parents on topics related to the early development of the emotional and social life of the students, as well as planning and co-teaching with teachers on specific topics such as transitions, feelings, and friendships.

Academics - Early Childhood - Single Subjects - PSHE

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