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Ambrit FAQs


What is Ambrit’s philosophy?

Ambrit provides an international education for students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The school’s programmes of study and activities foster the cognitive, aesthetic, physical, social and emotional growth of the whole child, helping each child to reach his or her greatest potential in a stimulating and caring environment. Children are encouraged to develop a sense of identity, self-esteem and independence.

The interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to maintain high standards of academic learning while allowing children to make meaningful connections across subject areas using an inquiry-based approach. Classroom activities provide opportunities for cooperative and experiential learning which emphasise process-oriented skills and the communicative importance of language.

Children are taught to respect others, their natural environment, and to develop an awareness of global issues through school and community service activities. Cooperation among parents, staff, students and the community is actively encouraged. Students leave Ambrit with an appreciation of different cultures and the tools to become lifelong learners.

Admissions Procedure

How long will it take for the school to review our application(s)?

Once we receive your completed application with all required supporting documents, our Admissions team will review your application within seven working days and will decide whether to recommend the admission of your child(ren).

If the Admissions team recommends admission, we will check if we have any vacant places available in the grade(s) you applied for, and should that be the case, we will send you a formal offer via email. In cases when your child’s admission is approved but a place is not available, we will discuss the situation with you and will put your application on the waiting list. We will update you as soon as a place becomes available.

How are applicants assessed? Is there an entrance test?

Most applicants are assessed based on the documentation submitted and through an interview. If your child is new to English or has a particular language, behavioural or special learning needs a language and/or learning evaluation will be required and administered by a school representative. The results of these evaluations will help us determine if Ambrit can accommodate your child.

Is there an application deadline?

Applications are accepted throughout the school year. However, an early application will increase the chances of being able to accommodate your family’s needs.

How will I be notified of an admission decision?

Admissions decisions will be communicated via email. Acceptance emails will contain information about payment, bus/lunch services as well as the confirmed start date, and other necessary school contacts.

What documentation is required for Admission?

You are required to submit the following documentation before your application will be reviewed:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Copy of student’s passport or equivalent
  • Report cards for the past two years (in English or Italian)
  • Student Referral form completed by the current teacher for Grades Prep-8 and sent directly to the school
  • Student Questionnaire form, completed by the student for Grades 4-8
  • Standardised testing results, if available
  • Psychological/Educational Evaluations, if applicable
How do I determine which grade my child should be applying for? How do Ambrit grade levels compare to other systems?

Students will be placed in classes as indicated below and must be 3, 4, 5, etc. years of age before/on August 31st in order to be admitted into a grade level. Below is a chart showing how classes are organised at Ambrit compared to the UK and US systems.


Age (on 31 August) AMBRIT UK USA
3 Nursery Nursery Nursery
4 Kinder Reception Pre-K
5 Prep Year 1 Kindergarten
6 Grade 1 Year 2 Grade 1
7 Grade 2 Year 3 Grade 2
8 Grade 3 Year 4 Grade 3
9 Grade 4 Year 5 Grade 4
10 Grade 5 Year 6 Grade 5
11 Grade 6 Year 7 Grade 6
12 Grade 7 Year 8 Grade 7
13 Grade 8 Year 9 Grade 8
Does the school offer any EAL (English as Additional Language) support?

The EAL program at Ambrit aims to assist students whose first language is not English, in becoming competent users of the English language so they can participate fully in the social and academic life of the school. English language learning is not intended as a replacement for the student’s home language(s) but as an additional language. Through differentiated support options, the EAL support teachers collaborate with class teachers to facilitate the integration of all English language learners into mainstream classrooms. Entrance evaluations of students new to English are administered to ascertain the level of support needed. Please note that some of the EAL services incur additional fees.

Does the school offer any support for special learning needs?

Due to restrictions of space, facilities and personnel trained to cater to significant special educational needs, Ambrit is unable to admit children with serious learning, physical, emotional or behavioural difficulties. A child with mild to moderate learning difficulties may be admitted on a probationary basis with dates of evaluation clearly established in writing. When applying to Ambrit, parents are required to provide past records of students, which may include: previous diagnostic testing or evidence of special education assistance. Please note that some of the services in Learning Support incur additional fees. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for parents to provide an assistant in a classroom for children with special educational needs.

Withholding information about special needs may lead to the withdrawal of the student.

Does the school offer any assistance with High School selection and placement?

The school organises onsite information sessions about International High Schools as well as visits to schools in Rome. The Grade 8 Dean of Students works with families and students to help make appropriate school selections and ensure a smooth transition into High School.

Does the school offer any financial aid?

Ambrit does not offer any financial aid.

Curriculum / Learning

What curriculum does the school offer? How would you describe your pedagogical approach?

Ambrit Primary School is an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) school. Our teaching philosophy reflects the fact that young children are naturally curious and wish to experiment, explore and make sense of the world around them. We aim to enable students to become lifelong learners and to equip them with the academic and life skills necessary to be responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world.

Our Early Childhood and Primary programmes emphasise the growth of children’s inquiry, creativity, curiosity, and imagination, alongside the development of academic and social competencies.

In Middle School, the expectations of high academic standards are combined with the development of social and thinking competencies to allow students the appreciation and understanding of the curriculum. Strong connections with these competencies during this critical time, set a pace and tone for future successes. The curriculum aims to develop an understanding of global issues, social dynamics in addition to traditional subject area content. Classroom activities provide opportunities for cooperative and experiential learning which emphasise process-oriented skills and the communicative importance of language. At the end of middle school, Ambrit students are prepared to enter into International High School or Italian High School, depending on the program they choose for their Middle School education.

What languages are taught at Ambrit?

Ambrit offers Italian as an additional language/mother tongue language from Nursery through Grade Five.

In Middle School, depending on the program selected, students can also study Spanish, French or Mandarin.

How does technology fit into the curriculum?

Today’s children are growing up in a world increasingly dominated by technology and media. Ambrit’s ICT philosophy aims to empower students and enable them to become competent and responsible users of technology through the integrated use of current hardware and software.
To this end, ICT at Ambrit is treated as a means of achieving the desired result rather than as a subject whose skills are taught in isolation. ICT lessons are a close collaboration between the class or subject teacher and an ICT Integration Specialist, selecting the best tools to extend learning, through research, documentation, coding, robotics and the visual communication tools.

Students have access to Chromebook/Macbook carts, sets of iPads in each classroom and additional Mac desktop computers. Students also have access to Beebots, Botleys, Microbits, Lego Mindstorms EV3, Lego Spikes, Arduinos, 3D Printer, etc.

What is the school’s approach to discipline?

Ambrit is committed to helping every student live up to the expectations set out in our Code of Conduct. When it comes to discipline, we believe in conversation and education. If students fail to meet expectations, staff will take appropriate action to help them understand their own behaviour as well as the consequences of that behaviour and prepare them to meet these expectations in the future.

Consequences for minor infractions include retracting privileges and conversations with parents, while more serious instances may result in detention, suspension or expulsion.

How does the school measure and report on individual achievement and progress?

Student growth and progress are measured through a range of formative and summative assessments in all subject areas. Assessment tasks vary across the school and may include projects, discussions, reports, tests, presentations, and/or quizzes and may be done individually or in a group. Reporting to parents happens regularly throughout the year in the form of Parent/Teacher Conferences, Student Led Conferences, Student Portfolios and Written Reports.

How does the school respond to a child who is not meeting academic expectations?

Students who find it challenging to meet academic expectations will be given support and guidance by their teacher and if necessary, the EAL or Learning Support departments. Students are encouraged to take an active role in their learning and express any challenges they may be experiencing to their teacher.

If a student requires significant support, the school will develop a Personalized Education Plan (PEP) and work closely with the family and the student to provide the necessary assistance.

What is the school’s homework policy?

At Ambrit, homework is meaningful and aims to extend and not replace classroom learning. All students are expected to read every day and other assignments vary according to grade level. In Early Childhood and Primary, home-school connections are emphasised and explained by teachers for parents to work on with their children.

Students will not be assigned busywork or stacks of worksheets but will be asked to make regular connections to their classroom learning. Homework expectations for students in Middle School increase considerably but their assignments are no less meaningful.

Student Life

How many students attend Ambrit and what are your class sizes?

Ambrit meets the needs of approximately 420 students. We aim to maintain a maximum class size of 20 students, barring exceptional circumstances. All Early Childhood classes and Grade 1 have a class teacher and an assistant while grades 2-5 have one class teacher.

Across the three programs, there are specialist teachers for art, music, physical education, and library as well as technology teachers who work closely with subject and homeroom teachers on technology integration.

Where do Ambrit students come from?

Ambrit is a very international school with students representing over 60 different nationalities. The school makes every effort to maintain a student body composed of at least 30% English first language, 40% Italian first language and 30% native speakers of other languages.

What type of student is Ambrit looking for?

Ambrit is interested in internationally minded students and families who value education, diversity and cultural understanding. We are looking for students and families who want to be part of and contributors to our exciting school community.

Do you have a school lunch service?

Students enjoy warm, freshly prepared, and balanced lunches each day. The menu changes regularly to take advantage of seasonal produce. The menu is pork-free. Special meals can be requested if needed.

Do you have a school bus service?

Ambrit supports the timely and safe transportation of our students to and from school. The school offers a bus service in partnership with a private bus company. The bus company operates on a daily basis from 7:00 in the morning. Bus routes are established based on the areas where families reside. Adjustments to the bus routes can be made to accommodate new families, space permitting.

Where is the school situated in Rome?

Ambrit is situated 6 kilometres south of the historic centre of Rome in the Portuense area. The campus is centrally located on a 10-acre hill overlooking the Tiber River.

Does the school offer After School Activities?

Ambrit International School provides students with a balanced variety of educational experiences that aims to meet each child’s needs. The varied offerings in our After School Activity program provide opportunities for physical activity, teamwork, creativity, skills development, intellectual pursuits, enhancement of the child’s mother tongue, and socialisation. Our goal is to offer our students an enjoyable experience which will enrich their academic experience.

Most activities are taught by Ambrit staff members so a wide range of possible activities, varying according to their multiple talents and interests, are offered for Early Childhood, Primary and Middle School students.

Examples of the over 90 possible activities offered annually include:

  • Origami, Embroidery, Arts and Crafts, Sketchbook
  • Drama, Debate, Newspaper, Book Club
  • Creative Writing, Math, Science
  • Tennis, Yoga, Soccer, Basketball
  • Robotics, Coding, STEM
  • Spanish, Mandarin, French
  • Gardening, Nature Exploration

The after school activity program includes a rich and varied music program with four choirs, an orchestra and numerous opportunities for private musical instrument lessons. Academic tutoring by Ambrit staff members can also be arranged.

Each school year consists of two half-year sessions and students are given the opportunity to enrol for the entire year or make a change mid-year. After school activities are offered Monday through Friday from 15:45 until 16:45.

Does the school have a code of conduct?

Yes, our Code of Conduct is used throughout the school and applies to all students, staff members and parents.

Every member of the Ambrit community has the right:

  • To feel safe
  • To learn to the best of their ability
  • To be treated with dignity and respect

Calendar / Hours

How long is the school day?

The school day begins at 8:30 and ends at 15:30 Monday through Friday. Students can arrive at school anytime after 8:00 a.m.

What is the school year?

The school year runs from early September to late June.

When are the school holidays?

Ambrit school holidays are longer than most national systems. There are two half-term breaks; one in late October/early November and another in February.

The school is typically closed for up to three weeks at the end of December/beginning of January and is also closed for one week at Easter.

The school is also closed when Italian public holidays are observed.


How does the school communicate with parents? What language is used?

Ambrit regularly communicates with parents in person and via email. At least one parent must be able to communicate effectively in English in order to establish an open and supportive relationship between the school and the family. It is essential that the school have a current, permanent email address to use for communication purposes.

How willing is the school to involve parents? How much parental involvement is expected?

Our parents are very involved in our community whether it’s as part of the parent association Friends of Ambrit (FOA), volunteering to be a class representative, assisting with the many social events scheduled throughout the school year or volunteering in classrooms and/or the school libraries. Parents are expected to be actively involved in their child’s education and to be active, supportive members of the school community.

Is there a parent organisation?

The Friends of Ambrit (FOA) is the Ambrit parent organisation.

What kind of leadership and governance does Ambrit have? Is it non-profit or for-profit?

Ambrit is an independent school owned and governed by a non-profit foundation, Fondazione Ambrit B. C. Mullane ETS, with its own Board of Governors.

Open Day

1 March 2025


Explore What Makes Ambrit Unique!

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